Day of Encouragement

Aiken Church of Christ 134 Rinehart Way, Aiken, SC, United States

Come spend time being encouraged while you write notes and cards to encourage others.  See Connie Waiswilos for more information.

Potluck Dinner and Easter egg hunt

Potluck Dinner and Easter egg hunt immediately after the morning worship service.  Bring plenty of food.  Invite your friends.  Visitors are welcome.

5th Sunday Potluck

Aiken Church of Christ 134 Rinehart Way, Aiken, SC, United States

Sunday March 31 immediately after morning worship.  Invite your friends.  Bring enough of your favorite dish to feed your family and one other.  Egg hunt will be following the lunch.

VBS interest meeting

Aiken Church of Christ 134 Rinehart Way, Aiken, SC, United States

Vacation Bible School is scheduled for Saturday June 22nd. Come to the meeting on Sunday, April 14 at 5:00 PM if you are interested in participating. There is something we […]

Pizza Pie and Tie-Dye

Aiken Church of Christ 134 Rinehart Way, Aiken, SC, United States

Piza pie and Tie dye!! We will provide the dye, you bring an item to dye.  Pizza is included. Ages pre-K to 12th grade. Sign-up sheet is on the table […]

Family Breakfast for the Congregation

Aiken Church of Christ 134 Rinehart Way, Aiken, SC, United States

Sunday April 21 8:15 am - 9:15 am.  Please sign up on the sheet in the foyer so the church men will know how much food to prepare.  Breakfast will […]

Women’s day of encouragement

Aiken Church of Christ 134 Rinehart Way, Aiken, SC, United States

Women's day of encouragement.  Come be encouraged by encouraging others!

Ladies Day at Aiken Church of Christ

Aiken Church of Christ 134 Rinehart Way, Aiken, SC, United States

Ladies Day at Aiken Church of Christ Saturday, May 18, 8:45 a.m. – 12 noon Light breakfast and lunch provided Guest speaker Celine Sparks See Michelle King for more info. […]

Celebrate Our Seniors!

Aiken Church of Christ 134 Rinehart Way, Aiken, SC, United States

During our morning service on Sunday May 19 we will have a celebration of our High School Seniors There will be a table for cards and /or gifts set up […]