Bible Study
There are videos of Sunday and Wednesday classes and Sunday worship service at our Video page HERE or on our YouTube channel HERE.
NOTE: For those who are hearing impaired and have blue tooth enabled hearing devices, and a smart cell phone, our sound system will transmit audio to your hearing devices. You can download a free AudioFetch app to your phone to control the volume. A QR code is available in the church foyer for downloading the AudioFetch app.
Child Care: We have 2 dedicated rooms for our little children. We have an attended nursery for children ages birth through 2 years old. There is also a “training room” for toddlers and their parents when you need a quiet space to worship while training your little one on how to behave during service. Both rooms have speakers so that you can hear the service and a large window so you can see what is happening.
Sunday Morning Class: The adult class will continue studying Words of Christianity. So far we have studied the words ‘Love” and “Adore”. The 6th grade class is studying “My Roles In Life, Learning To Be The Person God Wants Me To Be In Every Relationship”. The Teen class is “A Walk Through The Bible”. Our youngest children have class on Sunday morning and Wednesday night. Cradle Roll is only on Sunday Mornings. The classes are as follows.
- Cradle Roll – Less than 18 months old
- Toddler – 18 months to less than 4 years old
- 4 and 5 year olds
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades
- 4th and 5th grades
The class for the youngsters is a walk through the Bible which takes about 3 years. Currently they are learning about “God’s Mighty Hand”.
Sunday Sermon: The sermons center on a deeper look into the new songs that we just learned.
Sunday Evening: Each Sunday evening we have a Worship Service at 6:00 p.m. On the first Sunday of the month, we have a singing service where we can request songs to be sung. We still have communion for those who were unable to attend in the morning.
Tuesday Morning Class: The Tuesday morning class will resume on Tuesday, February 4th, at 10 a.m. The study will be on the book “The Agony and Glory of the Cross”, by Charles B. Hodge, Jr. If you want to purchase your own copy, they are available on Amazon.
Wednesday Evening: The adult class will be: “The church in the 21st Century”. The Teen Class is about “Get Real – Real Teens Making a Real Difference in the Real World”.